Although this is a constant work in progress, I will try and summarize my home assistant setup. This will hopefully provide an overview of how...
Whole House Energy Monitoring
I always wanted to have energy monitoring for my house, but I had been putting this off because it seemed so intimidating for obvious reasons....
Reverse Engineering Private API – OAuth Code Flow with PKCE
This post continues from my first post on reverse engineering a private API. In the previous post I explained how I had to jailbreak my...
Reverse Engineering Private API – SSL Pinning
Last year, I backed an Air purifier from Kickstarter developed by Mila Cares team, who promised to provide public API on launch. My goal was...
Tracking baby’s sleep without wearable
When I became a dad, I wanted to track my daughter's sleep quality without any intrusive way and without buying any additional trackers. We were...
Creating a DIY Multisensor
If you are wondering what this ugly-looking thing is, it's the multisensor I made using some electronic components I already had from previous DIY projects....